Monday, September 1, 2008

Mark & Jessica

Erin called me on Sunday morning and said,
"Did you hear that Mark Egbert is engaged?"
Of course I hadn't, so I turned to Brent who
was on the couch and asked him,
"Did you hear that Mark Egbert is engaged?"
He hadn't either, so he called Mark. Mark confirmed that he was indeed engaged, but how did we find out about it, it just happened 8 hours ago! All I can say is that Erin is in the loop! lol

Mark is like my own kid. I've known him since kindergarden and he grew up with my boys. He is the teddy bear I never had! He has a big heart and has found a wonderful girl in Jessica! We are so happy for them both! They plan to marry in January, just a few weeks before Bill gets home.
Bill is so sad to miss the wedding!
(See ticker labeled, "The Time is Far Spent")


Jill said...

I bet you found out about this before we did (Rob is a little bitter about it). Personally I think its a little rude to get married a few weeks before Bill gets home :)

Brent Springall said...

poor bill. missing the best friends wedding.