Friday, November 21, 2008

Midnight Movie

Last night Erin, her friend Nicole, and I went to the midnight showing of the movie 'Twilight'. I have enjoyed all of the books in the series. Most all of the time I enjoy the books I read more than the movie, just because the book usually contains more information and explaination of events, feelings, etc, than can be portrayed in a movie. Also, when I read, I picture people and places a certain way. Then when I go to the movie, when they are different, I am sometimes disapointed. This was the case with the actor that portrayed 'Edward' in the movie. He just didn't seem right to me for the part. Everyone else fell into place and I could adapt to how they were portrayed, but not Edward.
I think they did a pretty good job of incorporating the main events in the book into the movie. On a scale of 1 to 10, (ten being as much as I enjoyed the book), I give it a 7.
While we were out I learned something about my daughter Erin. I saw her in a new light last night. She has always been a sweet and compassionate girl. She sees herself as a quiet, behind the scenes, friendly person. What I discovered though, is that she knows half the world! She sees her brother Eamon as the social person in the family, and he is definitly social! And so is Erin, she just expresses it in a different way!!! I see this as another of her hidden talents! She has so much untapped potential!! I love her and wish she could see herself as others see her!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Attempt

I jumped in and tried some Digital Scrapbooking today.

I have very little knowledge of Photoshop Elements
but I am trying some tutorials.

Here is my first attempt.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Brent sent us this picture of the fog he has at school today.
We so seldom see fog, I thought I would.....
Blog the Fog!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted!

Today is election day! Our country is in a time of financial crisis, and the candidates have opposing ideas on how to handle it. It is said on tv that there will be a record- breaking turn out for the vote this year. I feel strongly about my responsibility in our "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" to excercise my right to vote. I have voted in every major election since I was 18.
I hope my family will never take this right for granted. What a great country we live in! We are free to choose our leaders, make our laws, and change what we don't like!